We finally completed the training area for our dogs and it is a real relief. It was a tumultuous journey but it was 100% worth it in the end. The roof area provides great protection from the sun, its over 3m high and is cool underneath even on the hottest of days, the dogs are happy to train.
These 5 are the first group that we are training from left to right we have Edwin , Toast, Beans ,Noknoi and Creamy. Beans & Toast are siblings, but very different in personality, Beans is a high energy playful outgoing girl and her brother is very much more laid back. Noknoi is a tripod, she came to the shelter after a traffic accident left her with her femur protruding through her skin, it doesn’t hold her back she is the fastest over the agility course ( she struggles a bit with the spin command as she can fall , but that’s her only issue ). Then we have Creamy she has had a hard hard start to life, when she was found as puppy she had ascites and needed fluid draining all over her body, she was covered in ticks, but she got through it. Then she had cancerous tumours in her ears that needed removing, but she got through it. The pit viper bite came last and the wound caused by the venom needed dressing daily for 2 years, she got through it. She also loves to train, she has learned a technique to get picked first which involves her throwing herself through the leash rather than letting me put it on someone else. Edwin is on a diet and I suspect his enthusiasm for training is somewhat more to do with the rewards.

Creamy was quite simple to train as she has boundless enthusiasm. The A Frame did take some time to build confidence, but overall she was the easiest. Elissa one of the volunteers who helped with her training I thought would try and take her home, im sure she will make a great pet. Certainly she won’t be phased by anything she faces in life, she’s seen it all.
If you are interested in volunteering with us we would love to hear from you. The courses teach you how to take a shy fearful dog and help them come out of themselves. Beans and Toast when they wore the leash the first time just lay down, we had to carry them outside. Now they are super confident waiting at the gate every day for their turn. If you can train a shelter dog you can train any dog, and there is no better location than Thailand with its great weather and food and fun atmosphere, with beautiful beaches.

When Toast first encountered the A frame he was very cautious, we had to encourage him with some tasty treats to even get his feet on it. But with the volunteer Stevens help his confidence grew. Now he flies over it so easily it’s no longer seen as an obstacle.
There are about 75 more dogs waiting for their chance, if you join us you will help train 3 or 4 of them every day. You can pick them, if you want a shy one we have shy ones, if you want a disabled dog or even a dog in a wheelchair we have them for you. Big dogs or small dogs. They are all here ready and waiting. They will be so grateful to see you each day, it will change their lives.