If dog shelters and sanctuaries were a business, a hotel so to speak they would be very expensive, because the reality is demand far outweighs supply. If you follow Second Chance here, on Facebook or TikTok you would see new dogs arriving all the time. Unlike a hotel however most of our guests don’t check out. This problem is the same for all shelters and sanctuaries, but for us it is exacerbated as have so many disabled dogs, they require more intensive care and are highly unlikely to be adopted. We don’t want to turn any dog away, so we grow in size, but the burden is huge and growing. What would be wonderful for us, would be if you can follow us on social media, this would make it easier for some of our dogs to ‘check out’ and go to a home, just as there is a huge competition for spaces in our sanctuary, there is also a huge competition for spaces in homes. By following us on social media, you increase the dogs visibility and therefore their likelihood of being adopted, you may not be able to take one, but your friends and family may be able to. The dogs make great pets, they adapt well to life in a family and we are able to have our dogs flown all over the world. When a dog is adopted as the old adage says ‘you don’t change the world but you do change the world for that dog’, but you also change the world for another dog, the dog that can come and stay with us, receive medical attention, food, shelter, love and kindness.

When some of the dogs arrive they don’t trust people , they sometimes appear fierce, but the reality is they have been hurt and are scared. Our volunteers here are hugely important, the staff are busy doing all the work the sanctuary needs, but these dogs need someone to sit with them to build up their trust in people, to play with them, to show them that the people who hurt them are the exception not the norm. If you want to spend a day, a week, a month or more with us, it will be so rewarding for you and so helpful for all our dogs. We will support you all the way. You can contact us here and we will happily discuss everything with you.