Why Volunteer at a Dog Shelter In Thailand ?

There are many opportunities in Thailand to volunteer at dog shelters all over the country, so clearly there is both a demand for volunteers and also a demand for places to volunteer. It’s very easy to see how the shelters benefit from having volunteers come to Thailand and help them. But why would someone want […]
Volunteer at a Dog Shelter

Volunteer at a Dog Shelter in Thailand Volunteering opportunities at dog shelters in Thailand are fairly abundant. That said they for the most part all offer the same things just in different places. Possibly a case of ‘If it isn’t broken don’t fix it’ or maybe a lack of imagination. Here at Second Chance Dog […]
Who Do We Help ?

Who Do We Help At Second Chance Dog Shelter Second Chance Dog Shelter helps any dog in need. Even when we are full to capacity as we are now, we still help dogs. We pay to have any new dogs quarantined at the vets clinic. It’s impossible for us to look the other way. We […]